Barefoot – What Does it Mean?

Three times we see people barefoot in the OT.  Moses at the burning bush, Exodus 3:5; Joshua at Jericho Joshua 5:15; and the High Priest in the Tabernacle, though I cannot find a reference, sandals are not prescribed to  the High Priest so he is always seen barefoot. What does it mean?

My thoughts are since we are made from dust, when we walk in the dust we are reminded of our beginnings, from dust we come  Genesis 2:7;  this humbles us, reminding us of our roots, causes us to realize the source of life is God whom we must give thanks always, for who we are. For without God we are nothing John 15:5 

Dust happens from the interaction with others, so shake off the dust, Matthew 10:14;  What you pick up from people, is that which needs to be washed off when you enter a home, the dust, from your feet, Luke 7:44;  I believe it means we need to wash the cares and worries of the days activities at the door of our home or where you are visiting and be focused on the spiritual interaction of the home you are now in.

Too many times we bring work problems home with us and we pollute the house with worldly problems, bringing the stress of work into the house and dumping it on unsuspecting loved ones, disrupting your house of peace with a stress the others have no way of dealing with, your getting your dirt all over them. Solution – wash your feet free of the dust of the world at the door, How?

We are a spiritual people, pray, before you go in or just when you get in, ask for forgiveness and ask for clear healthy thoughts, Philippians 4:8; so you are now focused to bless those in your home. Matthew 10:12; “As you enter the house give your greeting.”

Are we spiritually focused to interact when we visit friends and should we not be the same when we enter our own homes? Do you bring the cares and worries of this life which you struggle with into the lives of others, stop, think about it, learn to wash you feet before entering the home and walk in as Jesus would, leaving the world behind and focus on uplifting those you are about to greet by sharing a word of Truth with them.

Jesus when He washed the apostles feet in John 13:1ff  He was not doing it for cleanliness but as an example of forgiveness. No tougher request from God than to forgive those who  sinned against you. These men were about to scatter, leaving Jesus behind, one would deny Him 3 times and another would betray with a kiss and yet here He is washing their feet. Check out the example of Joseph washing his brothers feet in Genesis 50:15-21;  Is there something to learn from the transgression?  If nothing else it provides a way for you to grow spiritually by practicing mercy. James 1:2-4