Genealogies of Genesis

Genealogy of Adam – Genesis 5:1f

Hebrew NameEnglish NameNew Testament Insight
KenanBegottenJohn 1:18
MahalaelPraise of GodMatthew 17:5
JaredHe that DescendsJohn 3:13
EnochTeacherMatthew 23:8
MathuselahShall be SentJohn 3:16-17
LamechOverthrowHebrews 2:15
NoahRestHebrews 4:10
Definitions – “All the Men of the Bible” by Herbert Lockyer, Zondervan

“Man is appointed mortal.”

“The Begotten, the Praise of God, He that descends, a Teacher, shall be sent to overthrow giving rest.”

The author being Moses could not have written this list of names knowing what the sentence meant. But when we understand Christ and His sacrifice then the New Testament opens it up for our understanding.

Only knowing Christ gives us insight to the Begotten, who is the Praise of God, and it was the Lord who descended from heaven, sent by God, to overthrow sin and give us rest in this lifetime from our battles and stress with sin which we have no control over but now we have rest because we have forgiveness, thanks to the Begotten.

Paul used the Old Testament to reason with the Jews to prove Jesus was the Messiah. I wonder if he ever used the genealogies this way to help prove his point?

Enoch the teacher, number 7 on the list, was taken but we know he didn’t go to heaven John 3:13. He was taken at the age of 365 he lived a year of years and taken to Hades Luke 16:19f. Why? My belief is, he was a teacher with incredible insight as we see in Jude 14,15. And who is lonely in need of some insights to what was going on? Abel!

Who knows how long Abel’s been in Hades, it doesn’t seem many have died knowing the length of years of lives. So was Enoch, who walked with God taken when the wickedness of man was increasing and was he needed elsewhere to comfort those already taken? Interesting where insights to meanings of names can lead you. Not saying it is correct but it sure makes me think about my brother Enoch and adds a little more depth to my Biblical understandings. What’s it all good for, to challenge us to go even further into the rabbit hole than we ever thought possible. (Matrix lovers)

Genealogy of Cain – Genesis 4:17f

Hebrew NameEnglish NameNew Testament Insight
CainFabricationMark 7:7
EnochTeacher2 Timothy 4:3
IradWild DonkeyPhilippians 3:18-19
MehujaelGod is Combating2 Corinthians 10:5
MathushaelMan of GodGenesis 4:7
LamechOverthrowRevelation 3:20-22
JabalGlides AwayHebrews 2:1-3
JubalPlaying2 Timothy 4:10
Tubal-CainFlowing from FabricationActs 17:32
Definitions – “All the Men of the Bible” by Herbert Lockyer, Zondervan

“Fabrication of teachers makes wild donkeys which God is combating. Man of God must overthrow gliding away (personal desires), playing away (entertainment), flowing from fabrication (Academia). “

If teachers do not teach the Truth but only tickle the ears, their students will end up being wild donkeys and this is what God is fighting against, false teachings.

The last 3 names are Lamech’s sons so they are grouped together as 3 temptations:
Gliding away = drifting from teachings of God’s Word
Playing away = world of entertainment (movies, sports etc.)
Flowing from fabrication = academia that which teaches evolution, denies Bible

I am not against researching and asking questions of God’s word but we have to stay within its parameters and not wander from the Truth. I am not against entertainment but it must keep its moral compass and too much of one thing can be detrimental to one’s spiritual health, an obsession possibly. I am not against academia, the search of knowledge, provided it doesn’t override and devalue the importance of Biblical studies.

Cain which means fabrication may give insight to God rejecting his offering Genesis 4:5. Faith comes by hearing Romans 10:17. By faith Able offered a better sacrifice Hebrews 11:4. Therefore God had to have told both of them what was needed to be sacrificed, by faith Abel obeyed and offered what God commanded. Cain fabricated, gave what he thought would be pleasing instead of obeying and his offering was rejected. What was needed on his part was to admit his mistake and do right next time but jealousy kicks in and he kills his brother Abel whose name means vapor. As James says in James 4:14.

Names are important to God and very insightful for us as we seek out that which God has concealed only to be revealed to those who diligently seek Him Hebrews 11:6. See the study on Ruth to realize importance of names to understand the book.

Moses wrote this in 1440 BC, educated by Egyptians, how in the world did he know how to make a sentence using people’s names? Moses couldn’t have written this on his own, obviously this is another piece of evidence for the inspiration of the Word.

Genealogy of Shem – Genesis 11:10f

Hebrew NameEnglish NameNew Testament Insight
ShemNameActs 4:12
ArphachshadOne that ReleasesActs 2:38
ShelahPeaceLuke 2:14
EberNew LifeIsaiah 11:1; 53:2
PelegDivideLuke 12:51-53
ReuFriendsMatthew 10:32-36
SerugBranchZechariah 6:12-13
NahorSlayer2 Thessalonians 2:8
TerahTurningHebrews 6:4-8
AbramExalted FatherRomans 14:11
Definitions – “All the Men of the Bible” by Herbert Lockyer, Zondervan

“The Name, one that releases peace and new life, divides friends.”

“The Branch slays all turning from exalted Father.”

Jesus is the name, through which we get forgiveness by obedience which gives us spiritual peace and new life, we become a new creature.

The Branch, His returning, will slay all those who turned from God 1 Thessalonians 1:7-10. Those who did not know God nor obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Eber – means shoot, belongs not here or new life Isaiah 11:1; 53:2
Nahor – means slayer, breathing hard, snort, 2 Thessalonians 2:8
Terah – means turning or wandering

There is no way Moses could have penned this on his own, that the Name Jesus is that which saves men today and blesses us with peace and new life, dividing friendships. Then when the name comes physical, the Branch, the judgement day, when all who turned from God will be slain.  Okay maybe Moses wrote Cain’s lineage and it makes spiritual sense, with no prophecy in it. But there is no way he wrote for Adam’s or Shem’s genealogy, one has to have known Christ’s life in order to understand these two.

It is not a coincidence, for all three to make such powerful statements to Christians today, it was written by the Holy Spirit. The rest of the world cannot understand this, but we who have been blessed can. If we take time and continue to study the most incredible book in the history of time, who knows what other matters are concealed for us to search out.

The Bible is the inspired word of God – 2 Timothy 3:16-17