Jesus' Prayer in the Garden

I wish to bring your attention to Jesus’ intensity in prayer. Luke uses the word “agony”, He was wrestling with God in prayer and to such an extent, so fervently that His sweat became like drops of blood. Luke 22:44

My sweat can be like drops of blood, dripping off my face, when I am in the middle of playing an intense sport, in the heat of the day. You bend over and the sweat drips off your face, big drops, soaking the pavement as they hit.

But here is the wonder, Jesus quietly on His knees in prayer, in the cool of the night, yet His sweat was like drops of blood, Why? How?  He was so intense in His communication with His Father, His thoughts alone were over heating His physical body, from such agony and fervency, He was sweating profusely.

Paul describes Ephaphras’ prayer as one where he “agonizes” for the brethren in Colossae, though the NAS translates it as “worked hard for” this is the same word describing Jesus prayer as an agony”. Colossians 4:13

Jesus also challenges us in Luke 13:24; to “Strive” to enter the kingdom. Same word used here for “agonize” to enter the kingdom. Give it your very best effort not only to get through the door but stay in the kingdom.

When was the last time I worked up a sweat in prayer? Is my prayer life on cruise control or am I getting the full potential I can get from talking with God? When was the last time I found myself agonizing over the Word of God to find the true meaning of the text?  Are we fervent in our walk with God? Are we the zealous people of God Paul describes in Titus 2:14?