Do you love me? John 21:15-17

Peter has taken 6 other disciples, back to their old profession of fishing John 21:1-3; It seems they have abandoned their mission to meet with Jesus on a mountain in Galilee Matthew 28:7,16; So Jesus appears on the beach to confirm with Peter what it means to really love Christ. John 21:15-17

“Simon, son of Jonah, do you love Me more than these?”
“Simon” means hearing, Jesus renamed him Peter, which means ‘little rock’ Peter did not listen well, he had rocks in his ears. The one who sank when trying to walk on water, willing to die for Christ but instead denied Him 3 times. Quick to talk slow to listen. And now Jesus is saying “Simon – are you listening?”

“Son of Jonah” – some translate John but it is Jonah in the original text. Jonah the prophet who ran away from obeying God by sailing off in a boat. What did Jesus just find Peter doing, sailing away from his responsibilities in a boat? God created a great storm and to calm the storm the sailors THREW Jonah in the sea. Jonah 1:15; Peter sees Jesus on the shore and he THROWS himself into the sea, calming the storm in his heart? vs.7

“More than these?” Peter always tried to be first in everything and would have declared a superior love for Jesus than the other disciples but it seems Peter is showing signs of slowing down and truly listening to what Jesus has asked him. Maybe his denial of Jesus 3 times has humbled him.

“Do you love Me?” Love = AGAPA – seek the best for another, expecting nothing in return.
“Yes I love You” Love = FILEO – friends love; STORGA = family love; EROS = sexual love;
“Yes Lord You know I FILEO You.” Peter is speaking the truth. No more boasting.
“Tend My lambs.”

2nd time – “Simon, son of Jonah, do you AGAPA Me?”
“Yes Lord, You know I FILEO You.”
“Shepherd My sheep.”


3rd time – “Simon son of Jonah do you FILEO Me?” Peter was grieved because now Jesus asked, “Do you FILEO Me?” “Lord You know all things; You know that I FILEO You.”
“Tend My lambs.”

What a realization for Simon, that “Jesus knew all things”, especially what’s in our heart and He knows if we truly AGAPA Him or if we truly FILEO Him. When you examine yourself, which is it you identify yourself with AGAPA or FILEO and are you honest with yourself before God? So how do I go from FILEO, friendship love to AGAPA sacrificial love for Christ, the same way Peter did, obey the Lord and Tend the lambs, shepherd the sheep, tend the sheep.

John 13:34; A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another, even as I have loved you, that you also love one another.

By putting into practice the Word of God, we will prove what the will of God is, Romans 12:2; and we will grow from FILEO to AGAPA. If we are ever going to establish a friendship with Jesus or for that matter with anyone, we need to be honest to them and with ourselves. Don’t claim something your not, don’t make statements you can’t accomplish.

We need to learn from all the mistakes Peter made in those 3 years He spent with Jesus, it’s okay to FILEO Christ right now. Realize as Peter did, “Lord You know all things.” As we apply ourselves we will grow from FILEO to AGAPA and that is what Jesus is calling for each of us to do, grow in love.