No Women in Heaven?

No women in heaven! Amen?
No men in heaven! Amen!

No genders in heaven, Amen! Genders are such a distraction, creating in many, envy, jealousy, immorality, fornication, etc. No genders in heaven Jesus says, Matthew 22:30 “For in the resurrection they neither marry nor are given in marriage but they are like the angels of God in heaven.”

One Midwest church teaches a man will become a god and have a bevy of wives, who he impregnates to create spirit babies for the planet he will be god over. Celestial sex forever and eternal pregnancy forever, who do you think wrote this religion, God or a man?

The Muslim faith teaches if one dies in spiritual battle they obtain their own dwelling and 72 virgin wives, to enjoy wine women and song for eternity, to be pampered for killing the enemy, the infidel, not loving him. Romans 12:19-21; I have heard the martyred women get 72 virgin husbands, in defense of the women. Either way, eternal sex, who do you think wrote the Koran, man or God?

Then we have those who think Jesus failed by not building a physical kingdom but was rejected by the Jews and killed. But He will return again and not be rejected this time but will rebuild the temple in Jerusalem and rule on earth for a 1,000 years then comes the end. To live for a 1,000 years, like Adam and Eve, having probably 800 children, who looks forward to these things? Charismatics, JW’s, those who interpret the Bible literally not spiritually.

Gender was to populate our species, once you die, gender is gone, you move on to a better purpose in life, no men, no women,  only humans who love God and one another. John Lennon wrote “Imagine”, a world of love, no hate, greed, wars, countries, different religions, etc. John should have studied the Bible. A people who live by love – everyone wants it and that is what God is offering in the new earth. Revelation 21:1-4

But many don’t want heaven without their sinful behaviors so they don’t accept it. They don’t die to their physical self to become a spiritual soul and strive for the higher calling, where everyone is equal. These other man made faith’s entice the selfish soul with offers of satisfying personal pleasures making oneself eternally superior to others. And there are many who buy into the lies.

Men chose to follow the lie instead of the Truth, Romans 1:18-32; It is easy to be a servant when you view everyone through the eyes of equality but looking with superiority over others, wishing to have others to be subservient to your wishes, is to be physical and not spiritual. This attitude is man made and not God given.

If you ever hope to be truly served, you have to be a servant first.