Old Testament Chronology
8,000 BC
6,000 BC
5,000 BC
4,000 BC
Beginning of Civilization
3,800 BC
3,500 BC
2167 BC
Abraham's Birth
2067 BC
Isaac's Birth
Abraham was 100 yrs old.
2007 BC
Jacob's Birth
Isaac was 60 yrs old.
1877 BC
Exodus to Egypt
Jacob 130 yrs old.
1447 BC
End of 430 yrs in Egypt
1407 BC
End of 40 yrs in Wilderness
1071 BC
Samuel begins Ruling
1051 BC
Saul begins Ruling
1011 BC
David begins Ruling
971 BC
Solomon begins Ruling
931 BC
Rehoboam Splits Isreal
722 BC
Assyria Destroys 10 Northern Tribes
606 BC
Babylon Invades Jerusalem
586 BC
Babylon Invades Jer. again
Destroys the Temple
538 BC
Medes Defeat Babylon
536 BC
Jews start returning home from Captivity