Scientific Accuracy of the Bible

In each of the following cases, the Bible writer has an opportunity to either state the widely held erroneous belief of his day or state a factually true description. In each case what was stated was true, demonstrating knowledge beyond the writer’s ability and thus necessarily from God.

Both male and female possess the seed of life
Genesis 3:15; 22:18
Male has baby in him
Woman is incubator 1694 AD
Blood is essential to life1400 BC
Leviticus 17:11-14
Disease resides in the blood
Cure is bleed out patient 1850 AD
Eating blood forbidden
Leviticus 17:12-14
Raw blood used as a beverage
Quarantine of certain diseases
Leviticus 13-15
No isolation of diseased
Don’t eat pork or scavengers 1400 BC
Leviticus 11
No food restrictions
Principals of avoiding bacterial contamination
Leviticus 15:19-33
No hygiene or isolation
Human waste to be buried
Deuteronomy 23:12-14
Human waste left on the ground
Burn clothes, wash body after touching dead body
Numbers 19:5-22
No recognition of contagious
problems until 14th century
Earth is round
725 BC – Isaiah 40:22
1,000 BC – Proverbs 8:27
350 BC Aristotle
1492 AD Columbus
Earth not physically supported 2,000 BC
Job 26:7
1543 believed is was supported
1697 AD theory of gravity
Heaven’s can’t be measure 600 BC
Jeremiah 31:37
1917 Einstein universe is finite
Stars can’t be counted 600 BC
Jeremiah 33:22
150 BC 3,000 stars
1924 AD 1,000 billion stars
Ocean paths 1015 BC
Psalm 8:8
M.F. Murray charted sea lanes 1855 AD
All men are blood relatives 60 AD
Acts 17:26
Men have different origins
Water cycle 1,000 BC
Ecclesiastes 1:7; Job 36:27
1770 AD Evaporation cycle
Entire each underwater 1400 BC
Genesis 1, 2, 6, 9
1885 All land underwater
Lightening causes rain 2,000 BC
Job 38:25-26
1930 Leaders photographed
1964 demonstrated

How did Bible writers, who lived and wrote in an age of ignorance and superstition consistently and accurately record information that men of science have been able to discover only with advanced scientific instruments in just that last few hundred years?

These men could not have been writing from their own knowledge and wisdom. They must have received their information from a source far greater than their ability. The Bible (properly used) and real science (not just theories) will always agree because their ultimate source is God!